Terms and conditions
Terms and conditions of the company Digital Technology s.r.o.
Reg. Number: 09054553,
with address Martinická 987/3, Kbely, 197 00 Prague, Czech Republic
registered in the business register of the Municipal court in Prague, doc. number C329970
1. Basic provisions
1.1 These Terms and conditions (“T&C“) establish rights and obligations of parties for providing software rental by the Provider to the User.
1.2 By finishing the sign-up process and using the product, User agrees to T&C in full.
1.3 Contract according to T&C can be signed in a remote fashion, without the need of physical proximity of the parties.
1.4 If you do not agree with any of these terms, you are prohibited from using or accessing this site.
1.5 Definitions:
Parties are the parties of T&C and contract between Provider and User.
Provider is the company Digital Technology s.r.o., reg. number 09054553, Martinická 987/3, Kbely, 197 00 Prague, Czech Republic, registered in the business register of the Municipal court in Prague, doc. number C329970.
User is a person or company who enters the contract as a part of their business.
Product is the software for digital contact exchange.
Licence contract is the contract licensing product to the User in compliance with T&C. Parties agree to entering the licence contract in compliance with the Czech law, § 46 par. 1 bill n. 121/2000 Sb. and T&C.
2. Entering the contract
2.1 How is the contract entered
2.1.1 Contracts are entered through online form on the product web or via email. Contract is entered when the Provider accepts the order from the User on the product web or via email.
3. Terms of delivery
3.1 Product delivery
3.1.1 Provider provides User access to the DigiCard business card file. When Provider does so, it has fulfilled the delivery of the product, according to the contract. In no circumstances Provider provides source code of the product.
3.2 Product updates, upgrades, service and customer care
3.2.1 Provider provides a user single, non-updatable DigiCard business card file.
3.2.2 Provider decides about the frequency and range of updates. Primary goal of updates is to ensure the security of the product. Secondary goal is to enhance the product. New features and modules can be charged on top of contract provisions.
3.2.3 Provider can limit or suspend the service for the period of time needed for performing the update. Provider is not liable for any losses incurred due to product update.
4. Privacy policy
4.1 Provider adheres to its Privacy policy
5. Final provisions
5.1 Unless stated otherwise, all the contractual or business relationship between the User and Provider is provided by this T&C. Legal rights and obligations are not affected by this.
5.2 Provider has right to change T&C. If Provider elects to do so, it must publish the altered version without delay. Updated T&C is accepted by User payment.
5.3 All the other oral arrangements are ineffective. All the amendments to T&C or contract must be done in written form.
5.4 If some provision becomes ineffective, other provisions remain effective. Provider then updates the provision so that it is effective.
5.5 These T&C follow Czech legislature. Any disputes will be judged by Czech courts.
5.6 Any party is obliged to inform the other one about any circumstance that might arise and compromise fulfilling the obligations from this contract.
5.7 User cannot transfer rights and obligations without written consent by the Provider.
5.8 Provider has right to transfer rights and obligations, if the User is delayed with payment.
5.9 This T&C is effective June 1, 2020